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bgadow 12-26-2011 09:53 PM

Year-End Old TV Quiz!
I thought I'd try putting this together, just for fun. See how many you can get right-I tried not to make it too hard. I cleaned out my PM box, so just send me your answers. The contest will run for about a week (until Monday, January 2). Gotta have a prize? Okay: the first place winner gets 5 old TV sets, of my choosing, must be picked up by 1/31/12 from my place. (Second prize, you get 10 sets!)

Here goes!
1) Name the manufacturer:

2) Who built this UHF converter?

3) Name the manufacturer:

4) What chassis does this RCA TV use?

5) What manufacturer used this circuit?

6) Name the manufacturer:

7) Name the manufacturer:

8) Name the manufacturer:

9) Suppose you wanted to purchase a brand new TV to watch the first launch of the Space Shuttle. Of these 10 brands, which 5 could you not find brand-new that year?
Admiral, General Electric, LG, Motorola, Philco, Proscan, Quasar, Samsung, Silvertone, Teknika

10) Match the manufacturer with the brand:

b-Era II
c-Miss America
f-Eye Witness

Good luck!

Kamakiri 12-27-2011 05:01 AM

WOW this is good. I'm moving this to Site News so everyone can see it :)

bgadow 12-27-2011 09:36 PM

Thanks, Kam! Come on guys, let's see those answers!

AUdubon5425 12-28-2011 08:49 AM

Whoops - and I was wondering why no one answered it yet...

So sorry.

ctc17 12-28-2011 10:20 AM

Uhhhhh I think your spost to PM him your answers

bandersen 12-28-2011 09:37 PM

Yeah, it'd be nice to others if you cleared out your post or a moderator removed it.

ChrisW6ATV 12-29-2011 02:35 AM

PM sent...

bgadow 01-02-2012 09:54 PM

Last chance! I'll let it run until Tuesday night.

bgadow 01-03-2012 09:50 PM

Thanks to all who played-I wish more had participated; maybe next time?
Here are the answers:

1) Name the manufacturer:
This one stumped everyone-it is an Admiral from the early 50s.

2) Who built this UHF converter?
This is a Mallory.

3) Name the manufacturer:
Philco, used from the Predicta up through the early 60s.

4) What chassis does this RCA TV use?

5) What manufacturer used this circuit?
I thought this would stump folks but I think everybody got this right: Zenith

6) Name the manufacturer:
Admiral, 60s.

7) Name the manufacturer:
Late 60s Sylvania.

8) Name the manufacturer:
RCA, starting in the late 60s.

9) Suppose you wanted to purchase a brand new TV to watch the first launch of the Space Shuttle. Of these 10 brands, which 5 could you not find brand-new that year?
Admiral, General Electric, LG, Motorola, Philco, Proscan, Quasar, Samsung, Silvertone, Teknika

The launch was in 1981; Admiral & Motorola were out of the TV business, Sears had stopped using the Silvertone name, LG was still known as Gold Star and Proscan wouldn't come along for a few more years.

10) Match the manufacturer with the brand:

b-Era II
c-Miss America
f-Eye Witness

1-b: Only one person remembered the Admiral Era II, which may have been their answer to the System III?
2-e: GE Coaxial.
3-d: Most folks knew about the Zenith Phonevision.
4-f: RCA Eye Witness, used in the late 40s.
5-c: Philco Miss America, also well known.
6-a: Most folks mixed up the Sears/Admiral answers. Looks like Chromix may have been Sears answer to Chromacolor?

Again, thanks to all who played. The winner is DavGoodlin who, scary!-just might take me up on my prize offer!

Electronic M 01-04-2012 12:10 AM

I wish I had time to play but my timing sucked. I would have got some right, and some not. No chance in *ell that I could claim the prize...I'm to dispose of two things to make room for my CTC4, and if I bring home anything larger than a BIG table radio I highly suspect that my folks will either kill me and scrap my stuff or kick me and my stuff out. Also could not go to the east coast even for a free CT-100 during active quarters at my college.

ctc17 01-04-2012 09:36 PM

I got most of them but I couldnt handle the threat of having to adopt any more sets:banana:
This was a good contest, well done

bgadow 01-04-2012 09:51 PM

Next time I'll make sure everyone knows you don't HAVE to take the sets :) I'm always looking for creative ways to coax folks out here to the edge of nowhere and let me load up their pickup truck with CTC-53's and 21" bw consoles!

ChrisW6ATV 01-04-2012 09:55 PM

I got four of the first eight right, 80% of #9, and 50% of #10. I couldn't remember if Admiral had come back yet in 1981, or if Samsung TVs were available in the USA yet then.

Thanks, Bryan.

bgadow 01-06-2012 10:00 PM

Chris, that got me second guessing myself regarding Samsung, so I checked the Photofact index. Indeed, they didn't cover their first Samsung model until '82. Probably safe to say that they were available in '81 but I should have come up with something else!

bandersen 01-06-2012 10:02 PM

Ugh, I should have recognized the first picture. There's a door just like that a couple feet from my computer desk :)

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