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Old 10-26-2019, 09:25 PM
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Sandy G Sandy G is offline
Spiteful Old Cuss
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Rogersville, Tennessee
Posts: 9,571
I think a LOT of towns have a dead Corvette story. They're all reasonably similar, EVERYBODY knows the local ones, but they can almost NEVER be quite pinned down. The one I remember happened, I SWEAR, Honest Injun, hit's TRUE, in 1973-74 in Chattamaboogie... This dude-Its NEVER a woman, girl, ol' Lady-ALWAYS a guy-came into an unexpected inheritance, he was a lower middle workin' class hero, so he hied hisself to Ed Wright Chevrolet, bought a Yellow Vette, w/black leather interior, A/C, all the foxtails. Even FM.. He took his remaining windfall, saw his Dope Dealer, purchased whatever was BIG back then, drove out to Harrison Bay Skypark, after stopping at McDonald's, shot up, apparently hoping to See God on All Channels... Now this was late '73, I think Our Hero got hisself a '74 Vette. Anyhoohow, He took a tad too much of whatever Majick Potion he used to see the Almighty on, for shortly afterwards, he not only got to SEE the Almighty, he got to Meet Him, as well. Now, I was in Chattamaboogie in them days, & it is a tad warmer there, but I don't remember if it ever got below freezing or not. But in May of '74, when they found our hero, he had pretty much turned Really Bad, for he was an apparently a BIG fella..The Worst thing was the stench, the car was taken back to the dealers, the ENTIRE interior was removed, but it had leached into the fibreglass, & they NEVER could get it out. I think the car was eventually sold for the value of the running gear & a few other parts...But, I SWEAR, this is true... I was friends w/the guy whose brother pulled him outta the car, & he was sick hisself for a week afterwards ! Honest Injun !
Benevolent Despot
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