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Old 08-27-2020, 11:13 AM
Mad-Mike Mad-Mike is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 42
I too am Millennial and the want to use a CRT TV is at least a decade or more old now. Shoot, the last time I was here I was trying to fix my 1984 Mitsubishi CS-1984R "Gaming TV" because replacing it was going to cost me over $100 and require months and months of digging to find something even remotely comparable.

Tastes vary a lot because people want what they had as a kid and that varied a lot. That was why that Mitsubishi was so important to me because that was the exact same TV we had when I was growing up. I tend to find that's the first rung then they discover certain picture tubes (ie Trinitrons, Diamondscans, etc), or other CRT Devices (PVMs) They want. Some (like me) are also electronics tinkers before so part of it for me is the joy of bringing a piece of ancient tech back to life and putting it to good use currently.

Like vintage.digi said it's good, it's saving the CRTs. And it's not just TV's, it's computer monitors too. I have a vintage NEC MultiSync II CRT for my computers that I'm not giving up - and that thing I've seen on E-bay listed for $200+ because it works with anything from a Tandy CoCo to a Windows 10 desktop. I got it for free from Computer Surplus in Redmond in 2017. It's also good for the environment too. Shoot, I'm stalking a Zenith 1490 VGA for my 286 - which was like a Trinitron of 640x480 CRT PC monitors from the late 1980's.

On the subject of them making CRTs again, I see the same thing regarding AT Cases in the vintage computer community - and nobody has really put in an effort to reproduce or create a new variant of a PC Desktop chassis for old format motherboards (closest thing we have is the Checkmate 1500 but that's really for Amiga and has no AT/XT option), CRTs would be less likely due to the hazards and difficulties in creating a vacuum sealed glass bottle homebrew that would not be a legal and safety hazard. I think people more like Shango66 on Youtube are going to become more and more valuable as time goes on. I have learned so much from watching that guy's channel, and I feel like CRT's, like anything else vintage, will become that weekend tuner/tweaker thing, except instead of a hood open in the driveway, your crazy neighbor will be setting convergence and purity on an old CRT while tubs of creame rinse and water are "Retrobrighting" the case.
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