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Old 01-27-2012, 08:36 PM
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Eric H Eric H is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: So. Calif
Posts: 11,565
Got the chip today, been working on getting the old one off for the last two hours! I really would have let them do it if I knew it would be this big of a pain.

Two things would have made it easier, some Flux and some fresh Solder wick.
Wicking the solder did very little to actually loosen the chip from the board, I wound up prying it hard enough to break the chip, then I removed the remaining pins one by one. I also knocked one smallish round capacitor off the board, it's a surface mount and I got it back on with little problem.

Trying to clean the remaining solder out of the holes so I can get all 30 or so pins in the board at once I managed to shove one of the sleeves through the board.
I repaired this with a fine bit of wire through the board and up to the trace on the top side.

I'll be amazed if this thing works 100% when I'm done, if at all.

Anyway, off to the Shack for some Heat Sink Paste, fresh Wick and maybe a vacuum de-soldering thingy.
Probably should have done that step first, live and learn.
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