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Old 10-16-2019, 06:08 AM
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Telecolor 3007 Telecolor 3007 is online now
I love old stuff
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 2,083
Another car questions + opinions

Well, in order not to start so many subjects, I've decided to concentrate more in just one. It may cause some mess, but a lot of subject can cause a mess too.
I. Was there any car front seats that had the seafty belt (modern type, that comes over you chest too) atached only to the seat. I'm curios if you can retrofit some old cars with seats that have seatbealts and that thing that you lay you head againts (I don't know how they are called in English, the Romanian term is of French origins);

II. How relaible/unrelaible where the '30-'40's cars? Since oil wasn't of so excelent qualty back then (oil = gas (fuel), but also grease oil) the grase oil change had to be done at shorter intrervals then today. Also I don't know when central greasing was adopted, so at some cars some points needed manual greasing. But leting the grease alone, if proper or at least decent meintainance, how long you could use a car from that period without needing repairs (like reboring the engine)?;

III. What options do you think are missing from modern cars? One intresting option was the light dimmer switched postioned on the floor of the car. And the ammeter.
OLD, but ORIGINAL, not Made in CHINA.
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