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Old 11-29-2011, 11:26 PM
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ChrisW6ATV ChrisW6ATV is offline
Another CT-100 lives!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Hayward, Cal. USA
Posts: 3,475
Jeff, I am using a TV antenna on my roof. I am also a ham (the W6ATV in my nickname here) and I own this house, so the TV antenna is just one more in the collection. It is a Channel Master Stealthtenna, that I installed to replace a bigger log-periodic-type one because I wanted multi-direction reception without using a rotator. I live in a flat area about midway between San Francisco and Oakland, California, so I pick up good signals from both cities here (about 25 miles from either city). In fact, this is a good location in general, because I can pick up all of those signals indoor with rabbit ears on a good DTV receiver (Zenith or Channel Master) as well. It is fun to use a 1950s pair of rabbit ears and a 1965 RCA CTC-16 and watch flawless color TV with the Zenith tuner.

I would definitely recommend that you give an antenna or two a try with your DTV converter (and your flat-panel TV in antenna mode as well) again. Reception here is much better than it was in the early days of digital TV, so the stations really have been improving their signals recently. As I am sure you probably know, if/when you move your antenna to different angles or positions while testing it, you need to wait a few seconds or more in each position to let the digital tuner catch up before judging the signal and moving the antenna again. Good luck.

Quote from another forum: "(Antique TV collecting) always seemed to me to be a fringe hobby that only weirdos did."
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