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Old 12-08-2015, 04:26 AM
Captainclock Captainclock is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Elkhart, Indiana
Posts: 1,189
Using Rubber Renue on Hardened Idler Tires?

Hello Everyone the other day I had ordered some Rubber Renue from to try and see if I could try and get the idler tire for my Zenith Microtouch 2G Record Player from 1967 going again (the idler tire had hardened into almost a plastic like consistency and was causing the turntable platter to slip mid cycle when I would activate the changer.)
And well it seems that possibly my idler tire might be too far gone to try and save using the Rubber Renue because I had quite literally slathered that stuff onto the idler tire and let it soak in and did it several times over a period of 5 hours this past Saturday, and it didn't seem to be making any difference.

Was I maybe doing something wrong, or is it that the idler tire is just too far gone to be salvaged?
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