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Old 07-29-2014, 04:35 PM
walterbeers walterbeers is offline
Old TVs are better!
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Omaha NE
Posts: 463
End of Broadcast TV?

Well, I keep hearing these advertisements on my local stations to write to your senators, congressmen, FCC, government etc. to save broadcast TV. I suppose eventually broadcast TV will disappear whether we like it or not. Probably not in the next 10 years, but the way this country going and so money hungry, who knows. Right!!, make us all pay for cable, satellite, internet TV and streaming data on our smart phones. Big corporations almost run the whole country now, and of course it's all about dollars, millions and billions. Broadcast has a very important role in this country, and I hope it stays that way. Then whats next? The end of broadcast radio? So are we going to just have to stream radio and TV on our smartphones? What about natural and man made disasters? Broadcast doesn't use wired cable and internet. Communication is vital and this has been proven during several disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, etc. Radio and broadcast TV doesn't require wires, cell phones towers all over the city and country, that can be destroyed in a disaster. Good old broadcast can keep people in touch, and allow them to communicate.
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