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Old 07-14-2019, 02:22 PM
Telecolor 3007's Avatar
Telecolor 3007 Telecolor 3007 is offline
I love old stuff
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 2,083
I tryed to strart a collection, but dind't get anything that was very good, so I stoped doing it. Well, I had an 386 computer with 286 processor, but there wasn't too much that I could do with it so I gave it way (to a collector).
I have an "A.M.D." 1800+ computer on which I run the XP. Some stuff won't work on '7'. But I can't really consider it collectable, trough all that is obsolete tech. To be onest, I want something for the XP, but to te a better system. Probably in the future I will ask some one to make an system that can run '95' and '98' - in order that I can use some scanners that probably won't work on newer computers (I've seen some nice old scanners).
Oh, well, if I find an Romanian old desktop computer (we've assambled some) probably I will keep it.
OLD, but ORIGINAL, not Made in CHINA.
Sailor Moon
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