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Old 02-09-2018, 09:22 PM
CPQ5360 CPQ5360 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 39
Found some more things of note - first off, I discovered that the supply-side tension arm can have its spring set to five different positions, presumably to adjust the tension. I tried all five, and it didn't really change anything.

Second, I found that if I put a layer of masking tape over the pinch roller and play a tape, the problem is completely solved. With the introduction of a ton of W&F, of course.

Finally, I dug out my 1994 RCA VHS camcorder to compare the feel of the pinch roller, and it turns out that the pinch roller in this unit is in worse shape than I thought. So it looks like I'll be trying Rubber Renue, and if that fails, replacing the pinch roller.

Problem is, I have no idea how to remove the roller in this thing. There's a screw inside the core, which can be seen in the video linked in my original post, but it just turns forever when I try to unscrew it, so beats me.
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