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Old 08-01-2023, 10:47 AM
dieseljeep dieseljeep is offline
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Originally Posted by Electronic M View Post
I typically avoid eBay if I can find something elsewhere as it's usually cheaper wherever that is.

I had it the other way around when I was shopping for an airconditioner earlier this summer....I shopped around online and the one I wanted that was the best quietness and feature level and almost the lowest for it's capacity and the best price from a place I could buy in person was home Depot. Had to drive to the next town over for stock. I get there and it's almost $100 more in store than online on their own stinking website! I mentioned it to them and "it's not that price when we visit the site on our computer, can't help you"....So they lost my business. I did try ordering it from their site and getting it shipped to home or store and suddenly at checkout the price on their website matches store price. Ugh. I could sue them for deceptive advertising...And someone else should.
There's enough broken websites, operating systems (cough windows11 cough) and software out there that I'd like to roll up a newspaper hit the collective software and programming industry and their managers over the head with it and say "stop publishing broken/poorly tested code just to meet stupid deadlines, get it right before you publish".

I was able to find the same make and capacity (they tweak the model numbers and capacity numbers slightly for store models to make it harder for customers to do apples to apples comparison) for about the mid point of the HD price discrepancy on Amazon and ended up buying that.
I didn't know you needed an air conditioner!
I have a new 6000 BTU window unit, you could've had very reasonable. I bought it for my former house, but never used it. The place I live in now, has central air conditioning.
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