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Old 07-06-2022, 05:40 PM
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Telecolor 3007 Telecolor 3007 is offline
I love old stuff
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 2,083
When I saw the title, I knew it was a thread (topic) by you.
That's an quite rare thing for France, since usually in France (don't know the reason why) they didn't made elaborate stuff or combos like that. It's quite ....... that for a pretty big combo, the loudspeaker is small and it dosen't have at least 2 speakers.
Oh, b.t.w., G.O. = Grand Ondes = Long Waves, P.O. = Petit Ondes = Medium Waves. France had some more L.W. brodcasting compared to other Continental Europe countries.
OLD, but ORIGINAL, not Made in CHINA.
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