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Old 07-22-2020, 03:04 PM
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Dubis7 Dubis7 is offline
Alchemizes cash to tubes
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Leesburg, VA.
Posts: 397
I've got a board that plugs into it to give it BNC scope probes, though the input voltage may still be an issue. I'm using it to read the probes, though, not anything internal to the signal generator, so I'm confident that I'm not seeing any dangerously high voltage there.

That being said, though, do I have any options to test my SG-8 without a known good probe or frequency generator? Assuming that device is out of the question (which it sounds like it just isn't a good option for this) where do I start? It's starting to feel like this whole thing just goes around in circles unless I get a known good piece of equipment that I can use to test everything else.
To keep your tubes running smoothly, make sure to dust underneath the glass as well.
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