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Old 11-16-2016, 10:11 AM
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benman94 benman94 is offline
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I never thought of it that way Tom, but you're right, even mass production makes a poor line in the sand. There are currently 7 known '55-'56 Hoffman Colorcasters; they're even rarer than the 15 inch Westy, the RCA CT-100, 21-CT-55s, and the CTC-4s.

I still maintain that the supposed advertisements for the Admiral are little more than hyperbolic drivel used by Admiral to enhance their image in the mind of the public, especially in light of the advertisement for the 1955 Admiral 21 incher that didn't exist. I suppose the issue could only be settled by doing the impossible: going back in time to December of 1953, and attempting to order a C1617A from them. Regardless, it doesn't really matter; when most collectors think of the first color TV, they're likely to conjure mental images of a CT-100 or 15 inch Westy, be that correct, incorrect, or otherwise....
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