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Old 03-20-2020, 09:11 PM
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Telecolor 3007 Telecolor 3007 is offline
I love old stuff
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 2,083
Old weighing scale

Back when I was a kid and a young teen this type of weighing scale made by "Balanţa" ("The Balance") from Sibiu (Hermannstadt) where common in Romania:

Most of them where white:

This year, looking for old cash register I found out that this type wans't specific for Romania, as I was wrongly thought. Seems they where used in Europe and U.S.A. too
I wonder, how they are called in English.
And why some do have this bigger scale:

Anyway, some one told me that you can still legally use this type of weighing scale in Romania. This would be nice, since old cash registers (that don't have electronic memory storage) can't be used. And unlike old cash registers, I've seen them for sale and even in 2 different stores (I don't know if for use).
Off topic: at a store they have a Roman type one almost like this one:
For wieigning nails. A nail was put on a pice of wood for impealing hand write recpits (there is a 2nd recepit impealing there, but I don't know if it's also store made). Well, you do get the price written on a recipt, go to the cash register operator, pay the money, got the recipt from the cash register and after you show the seller that you payed the money the hand written recepit gets on the spike.
OLD, but ORIGINAL, not Made in CHINA.
Sailor Moon
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