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Old 08-16-2017, 10:01 AM
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Findm-Keepm Findm-Keepm is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Here's what the H1 Board will look like - it's mounted on the front bezel of the TV. Attached to it will be the IR sensor, the second photo. NLA from Sony, Encompass and Union Electronics Distributors.

First things, though - make sure the IR window on the Bezel is clear of dirt, smoke film, and fingerprints, all of which can block IR and make the sensitivity go down. Second, make sure you have the +5V standby voltage going to the sensor. If it all is good, you've likely got a bad sensor, not unheard of - I've got several, but not yours. The one pictured is an SBX3071-71 and yours is a SBX1971-51P - same physically, but different (slightly) electrically.
USN RET (Avionics / Cal)
CET- Consumer Repair and Avionics ('88)
"Capacitor Cosmetologist since '79"

When fuses go to work, they quit!

Last edited by Findm-Keepm; 09-29-2017 at 06:39 PM.
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