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Old 08-29-2012, 07:14 AM
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Kamakiri Kamakiri is offline
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Buffalo, New York
Posts: 5,109
My '53 Norge is still keeping the milk cold . I rescued it through a metal scrapper friend of mine. I used to give him all my worn out snowblower carcasses, and he asked me if there's anything I'd like. I said, as a matter of fact, if you ever come across and old fridge.....and 3 days later he called me about this one. It's in perfect shape, and hadn't been in use since the early 1960s. The old couple had passed, and the kids just wanted it gone as they were preparing their house for sale....

Pictures after a very good cleanup, and having it plugged in in the garage to make sure everything was up to snuff. Had it running for 2 weeks, then sold my 6 year old Kenmore fridge and moved it in the house....

Here she is, two years later, still working flawlessly in my kitchen

"Restoring a tube TV is like going to war. A color one is like a land war in Asia."
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