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Old 09-06-2019, 12:43 AM
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freakaftr8 freakaftr8 is offline
Convergence freak!
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Folsom, CA (no not in the prison)
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Retro gaming and CRT TVs becoming a thing

I know this is not widely discussed but. within the last couple years that retro gaming is making a comeback and people like millennials, and older gen x people are noticing the gadgets of yesteryear such as the CRT television. A lot of my friends and a lot of people around here are starting to look for CRT tvs If you play that vintage nintendo games on it like Duck Hunt, which of course will not workwith flatscreens. People want that interlaced look with their 240P video game consoles. Its just natural.

Everything from the Atari, to the game cube, xbox etc..

Anyone else notice this lately?

A quick craigslist search comes up with CRT television set are now being sold For a small premium where people were giving them away before..

Wonder where this is all going?

Even I prefer to play vintage video games on a CRT. High definition even know it has its glory looks like crap when it comes to 240 and 480p game consoles.
Honey, turn on the tv.. I'm cold!
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