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Old 12-10-2010, 10:32 AM
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jpdylon jpdylon is offline
<-- sucker for old sets.
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connecting the hot to ground may damage whatever is connected to the TV's coax. Most television sets have the chassis connected to one side of the AC line. Assuming your house is wired correctly and the polarized plug is not defeated it may not hurt anything, but its a risk you have to decide whether to take.

The smart way about doing this is to either obtain service literature, which will tell you exactly where the part connects to. This assumes that you can read board component and schematic diagrams.

As a general rule, the ground of the coax is almost always connected to the chassis of the tuner. Get the correct connector. You may even be able to get the exact part from someone like andrews electronics or encompass parts. The part number for te connector would be listed in the service manual.

Good luck.
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