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Old 04-13-2018, 09:00 PM
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Not sure how I got here.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Orange County NY
Posts: 3,586
I know the title of this thread is best Truck/Van for tv pick up, But I gotta put in a plug
for the good old 1986 Honda prelude as the BEST vehicle choice for picking up those
gotta have tvs.....

We got a good choice of large vehicles at our little piece of heaven, a Big Van, I got a
pick-up, a sedan of pretty ample size - tv speaking.... But I got some pretty neato
deals showing up in my Maaco special.... I mean try negotiating a lower price on a
$50. simulated-wood grain covered must have when yer stepping out of a $40K
Almost new Suburban might be hard....... Turn that around and show up in a rusty
old Honda and you might just get that "awe this poor guy" sympathetic "Oh, I'll
take xx" even if you didn't even ask.... Happened to me once...... Not sure if the Prelude
was the reason though.....

Then you know, the "I just don't have room for that" thing, and then there's the all
too common Wife Objection to another set.... Even if for the most part the stuff is
outa sight. Well at our parking lot, viewing from the front window I usually keep
"the little car that could", behind the van, or behind the pickup - as viewed from the
front window, which overlooks our vast parking expanse.

If by some chance a tv appears on CL and It's a Sharp Linytron, or some other -
otherwise non collectible set with a too good to pass up price tag. I can always
keep the wife up late the night before, and run off real quick one morning in the
prelude early, while the wife sleeps late, and be back before anyone knows what
just happened.... Ahhh. And if she did happen to get up and walk past the front
windows, all looks normal cause you can't see the prelude from the window
anyway...... Just leave a radio on in a room she ain't going to venture into
I use the garage.... Also good to keep a stable full of 20+ year old cars on hand,
that way you can be out in the garage a lot, or at least pretend to be.....

And with the humble prelude, you'll most likely never run into that temptation
to pick up something either too heavy to lift by yourself, Saving your back, or
too big to fit the car..... And thus save that valuable space at the cassa.

I was able to get my 25" 1985 Sharp Linytrons with Simulated Wood Finish,
( Plastic cabinet portables you know...) and an RCA 9-T-240 into the passengers seat with
no problems...

Just food for thought on this good tv void night.......

Yes you can call me "Squirrel boy"

Last edited by Username1; 04-13-2018 at 10:29 PM.
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