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Old 03-25-2011, 03:48 PM
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Electronic M Electronic M is offline
M is for Memory
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Pewaukee/Delafield Wi
Posts: 14,806
I got several....

two NESs side loaders with bad contacs(at least I can get one to work by applying rubbing alcohol to the cartrage before insertion)
an SNES (working)
blue N64 (the only system I ever bought new)
the Game Cube (coulden't pass it up at 10$)

PS1 (working but only kept for nostalgia because I used to play one with my girlfriend back when I was about 10)
PS2 (working, but missing the DVD drive door, the hard drive door, and the hard drive)

Sega Genesis (working)
Game Gear (it once showed a split second of startup screen, but all it does now is give me black screen)

two dead Atari 2600s (one used to work)

Colocovision (I do not have a power cord video cable or games to test it, but it was 2$ so dead or alive I'm not loosing anything)

also several of those retro game controlers/console rehashes that were popular a few years back.

I used to be really into collecting video games from when I was around 11 till a year or two ago when I stoped spending on anything that did not contain vacuum tubes. I still play on occaision, but with college and my other hobbies(which take precidence) I rarely have time to(or think to) pick up a controler.

Tom C.
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