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Old 11-07-2018, 09:07 PM
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Dubis7 Dubis7 is offline
Alchemizes cash to tubes
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Leesburg, VA.
Posts: 397
Okay. Finally some good news. The yoke came in a few days ago, and I finally had a few minutes to sit down and swap it in. Sure enough, my picture is back! Everything seems to work appropriately now, though I haven't tried running a signal through it. I never had a problem with that before, but my next step is to hook up some sort of stable signal so I can adjust the yoke, those two magnetic rings on the collar, and the various controls along the back before I button it up.

So basically, here's what I think happened. Again, I'm no expert, so if this seems wrong please feel free to correct me.

I believe that the yoke began to fail a few months ago. Perhaps some of the material on the inside had begun to deteriorate, which caused the flickering and noise in the picture. I pulled it down to my workbench, opened it up, and got sidetracked for a few months. During that time, the yoke deteriorated further, or perhaps the improved startup from the new capacitors pushed it over the edge. Regardless, that was my culprit the whole time, and I should be good to go now that it's out of the picture, no pun intended.

By the way, does anyone have any recommendations for a good basic RF adapter? Tim sent me a test pattern DVD eons ago, but I can't use it since none of my DVD players have RF out. I picked up a Heathkit linearity pattern generator sometime back, so I suppose I could restore that to get a picture on the screen, but I'd honestly like to go ahead and just fire up something I already have ready to finish this up. Once I get that figured out I'm essentially minutes away from being able to put this set back into use.

Thanks again to everyone for your help. I couldn't have done this without you.
To keep your tubes running smoothly, make sure to dust underneath the glass as well.
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