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Old 12-14-2008, 08:31 PM
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radix39 radix39 is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 12
Alright, I took some time today to finally disconnect the speaker wires so I could remove the chassis. The underside certainly looks frightening, to say the least:

There is just an insane number of resistors and caps under there. Probably the main reason these sets sound so good. Its probably not the best radio for me to work on as my first, but I think I can get it working great again.

I started making a long list, writing down each of the caps that I come across and their values - especially the paper caps. There are a few buried deep under a ton of wire that i'm not sure how i'm going to get at. The wires are old and brittle, and i've already had one just randomly snap on me as I tried to bend it out of the way to get a better look at a cap's rating.

I also came across a large black can. I assumed that it was the filter capacitor, but after undoing the hinges so I could turn it around and read the specs, it seems to be something else - a rectifier?

Is there anything I need to do with this, or just leave it alone?

Once i'm done mapping, i'll drop over to a local shop and pick up the replacements that I need, and start replacing them one by one.
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