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Old 06-18-2017, 08:59 PM
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Sandy G Sandy G is offline
Spiteful Old Cuss
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Rogersville, Tennessee
Posts: 9,571
Well, we celebrated things THIS just past weekend, 'cause LAST weekend, when it REALLY was, Lauriann had to work, & that more or less put the Quietus on any big celebration. There is a Marriott Inn up in Kingsport, & on Fridays they have an "All You Can Stsnd" Fish fry. Bethany & Corey always are invited, they also have king crab legs, this soire' is about the only place we can REALLY fill Corey up..Miss Pris has decided SHE likes'em, too, & can put away a pretty respectable pile of 'em by herself. I don't need to tell y'all how much I LOVE Bethany, my wife just makes a dirty face if you ask her about Bethany. But don't be fooled-She loves Bethany every bit as much as I do. Those 2 are thicker than thieves w/each other. Same goes for Corey-I was VERY concerned when Bethany started dating, I was all worried she'd marry some goof ball who would move away, & we'd never get to see them again. But things sometimes work out OK- They recently bought a house on the far end of town, looks like we'll get to KEEP 'em.. I don't think she could have done better, even if she'd had 2 battalions of Philadelphia lawyers working for her. He's a truck driver, & was none too happy about going out on the road. I told him not to worry, as long as myself & Lauriann are around, if Bethany gets into a Pickle, all she has to do is call, & help is on the way. Not that she'd really need much help-She is about the most self-assured young'un, I ever met.. Funny how some kid who's not even any kin can get under yr skin..
Benevolent Despot
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