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Old 05-14-2016, 12:48 PM
Captainclock Captainclock is offline
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Location: Elkhart, Indiana
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Originally Posted by Electronic M View Post
I think the majority of thrift shop employees there are by and large too dumb to realize they are a set in the first place....It is like fast food employees; I can order 3-5 simple things 10 times in a row, and if I don't check their work %40 of the time I'll come home with an incorrect order...They either don't bother to think or can't think when trying. Hell I've been to thrifts where the cashiers can't add or do simple maths in their head that most folks are already light years ahead of by middle school...
I find that most HiFi Stereo speakers are usually fairly obvious that they are a set but they still don't sell them as a set. one year though I did go to a local Mennonite owned thrift store and found a set of Bose Interaudio speakers for $10 and then I went to the Salvation Army one time and found a set of 1960s vintage Utah 3-Way stereo speakers for $3. So sometimes depending on what place you go to they will know to sell stuff as a set and sometimes they don't. Like I said the Goodwill I work at is doing better at selling things as a set than they used to, I think its because I started working there and I've told them that if stuff looks like its supposed to be a set, then sell it as a set.
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