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Old 03-15-2014, 12:06 PM
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Not sure how I got here.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Orange County NY
Posts: 3,586
Yah, first I doubt they get anywhere near $20. a set..... The plastic/wood is worthless... Most sets have very little metal, unless its an old tube set with metal chassis..... And the "picker" mentality does rule.... Once you mention there may be a value, they check it out on the internet, see the $2,000. sets, and begin thinking If you're interested, then it's worth $$$$$$$ Also unless you supply him with pictures of the set your interested in, you will have 30 sets you are not interested in waiting there for you to hand him cash for..... It would be best if you intercepted, the set as it arrived, or agreed with him to take one or two as they arrived for well above what he might get for it, but then there's the picker factor....

Don't forget this is also not his first day, he may have already been through it with some total AH in another town with an old tv, and got burned, they guy pissed him off, or they dropped it broke it, and he had to pay hazardous material clean up fees by the town....... You never know....

There was a local guy here that use to run ads for antique sets on CL, he was quite smart in his wording, and included pictures of the types of sets he was interested in, and pictures and descriptions of sets he was NOT interested in, and he gave prices he was willing to pay, and that he worked alone, and if the set was in a hard to reach part of your house, he would help with another person from your house bring it out and load it.

You might try something like that, advertised in areas and times when you see there recycle drives......
Yes you can call me "Squirrel boy"

Last edited by Username1; 03-15-2014 at 12:11 PM.
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