Thread: 1.5 inch crt
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Old 06-20-2017, 08:09 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Orange County NY
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This would be an interesting project. I use to work on Arcade games back in the 80's
Asteroids which was a vector game used a yoke and magnetic deflection. So it's
possible. I assume you have a proper yoke for this little tube...? I think on most
transistorized tv's the yoke is 4 wire, H and V windings are in series. Separate
windings of course. If you already have the clock, I would, if it were me, purchase an
IC chip audio amplifier, like a 386 or so, they use to be available at radio shack.
It was about 2 watts output, or something like that.... Connect up the input from the
clock H or V output, through the amp and ground the other side of the yoke winding.
You would have to build 2 amps.

On the Asteroids games whenever it was resting, both H and V would return to the
center of the screen, rest. If you have a zero out from the clock it would return to the center.
Ideally, you have a blanking signal to cut off the crt.

Assuming all this stuff runs fast enough, refreshing 60 + times a second so there is
no flicker, then you should have a nice display. Since most items won't change much
in position, like numbers, Analog display?, Then I imagine the display would be quite
stable. At the very least you will get an idea how it will look at a small investment.

Oops, 125mw output, Still looking at the specs, it's a small investment, maybe there
is a slightly more powerful amp of similar specs you can try...

lm386 ==

2 watts circuit ==

Engineering help ==

I have a radio shack AM hand held radio with that IC amp in it, and the sound quality
is quite good, and clear. As long as the slew rate will work for the clock signal,
I would try it....

You might have to use something like a 741 higher slew rate, but then you have
to feed it both + and - supplies, and pay attention to where the zero is, and I'm
not sure about sink and source currents on that chip. 1439 ? you gotta look into
the spec sheets of different IC amps, cheap ones in case you toast a few......
I was thinking the audio amp because the cap coupling would protect it a bit....
and there are plenty of ready made circuits out there, ac coupling should be
fine cause in Asteroids you could hear the vector signal in the yoke.....
How you gunna get hv?? It can't come off the vector signal.... You have
to make a free running HV source.

Good Luck....

Yes you can call me "Squirrel boy"

Last edited by Username1; 06-20-2017 at 08:29 PM.
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